Blog Post Archive

Welcome to Old Oak Corners!

Brian Adriance on 2020-06-09

Hello and welcome This post marks the start of this blog. I'm dedicating this little spot on the internet to my posts and ramblings in and…

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Mahogany File Handles

Brian Adriance on 2019-09-21

I recently bought some new files to sharpen my chainsaw. They seem nice, but they came without handles. Fortunately I happened to have an…

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Grape Arbor

Brian Adriance on 2019-06-08

A few years ago, on a whim, I bought a few cheap grape plants. I was wandering through Lowes, as one does, and came across these little…

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Corner Bookshelf

Brian Adriance on 2019-04-27

I initially built a small bookshelf for Alex when he was even smaller, but he quickly has outgrown it and needs more space to store his…

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Maple Mallet

Brian Adriance on 2019-03-10

This was a quick project made entirely from found-wood. Nothing was purchased to build this mallet (except for the boiled linseed oil…

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Redcedar Mallet

Brian Adriance on 2018-01-14

It turns out cedar and redcedar are not the same! Even weirder, but redcedar is not even a proper cedar tree. It is, instead, a juniper! It…

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