Wooden Rings

Authored by Brian Adriance on

Rings of wood

The story

I visited Hawaii a while back and I saw a really cool collection of wooden rings. I wanted one but none of them fit me, and they were pretty pricey. After I came home the idea stayed with me for a while. I played around with one made from juniper, but I really wanted that koa wood. So, a few days later I found someone that sold odds and ends from a mill in Hawaii that I could get shipped to my home in Massachusetts.

The plan

I tried out making a ring with juniper but I didn't like how it came out, so when my koa blank arrived I was excited to start again. According to what I could find online you cut off a piece and work it down from there. Lets get started.

Koa blank

The build

First, I cut out a square that was roughly the size and thickness that I wanted, and marked a circle onto it for the outer diameter.

Ring blank

Next I measured my own finger and carefully bored out the center that was ever so slightly too small. I could expand the size later with sand paper.

Ring cleared

Next up I took my ring-to-be to the table saw and carefully trimmed off the edges until I had a rough circle.

Ring blocked out

I did this slowly and carefully until I had just a ring.

Ring blocked out

Once the ring shape is made I was able to sand it down and down and down until I had a nice donut shape that felt good on my finger.

Ring sanding Ring fit

Finally it was time for finishing, where I sprayed on some varnish.

Ring clear coat

Once it was dried I could try it on.

Ring try on 1 Ring try on 2

What's next

I think it worked out really well. Next if I wanted to make more I think I should buy a ring sizing gauge so I know exactly how large to drill.